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国外玩家脑洞大开 如果技能对友军有效

发布时间:2016-07-12 16:11 来源:玩加赛事 作者:Frame

国外玩家脑洞大开 如果技能对友军有效


国外玩家脑洞大开 如果技能对友军有效

submitted 2 天前 by Blood_Lacrima

If any damaging abilities can also dealdamage to allies, who would this be a big problem to?


[–]Mixed_not_swirledMadlifefanboy 349 指标 2 天前

GP would be very unfortunate to have onyour team。 At first i thought Singed would struggle with this too but then iremembered his teammates won't be in the enemy base that often。

*那么这样的话 有赏金的队伍将会非常的不幸了

*起先 我觉得辛吉德自己也会非常的挣扎 但是当我想起他的队友要时常在他身边出现。。。

[–]Distickstoffoxid 45指标 2 天前

Actually you play 4v6 with Singed in yourTeam, I mean, he is more often in the enemy base than in yours。

*事实上你队伍里面有辛吉德的时候 你通常就是4v6


[–]ThePoltageist 70 指标 2 天前

its actually 4v1 and 1v4, singed is playinga different game entirely and the rest of the enemy team is following himaround watching him do it。

*事实上是4v1或者1v4好吗 辛吉德玩的完全是另外一个游戏 其他的队友都只是看着他这么做而已

[–]Bloodysand27 24 指标 2 天前

You could say he's playing chess and we'reall playing checkers。 :)

*你可一说他在玩围棋 而我们都只是旁观者而已:)

[–]ThePoltageist 2 指标 2 天前

and they call swain the tactician,puh-leeeez

*然而人们称乌鸦为策士统领 别这样好吗

[–]grantimus88 3 指标 2 天前

One of my favorite league games I haveplayed was a game where everyone was doing OK except for the feeding top laneSinged who told everyone at minute one that he would intentionally feed and wewould still win。 I thought to myself this game was over, we have a troll。 Hekept walking top and killing himself。 45-50 minutes later we are ending thegame and he is 1-15, his only kill was in the last team fight。

*我玩过的最喜欢的一场英雄联盟的游戏就是我们所有人都表现得很好 除了上单辛吉德一直在送 然后他还告诉我们说 他会一直送但是我们依然能赢 我当时就在想我们这局比赛要完蛋了 我们有一个麻瓜 接着就是他继续在上路走来走去然后不停地死 45-50分钟之后比赛结束了 他的KD是1-15 唯一杀的那个还是在最后一波团战的时候。。。

[–]BeerBongJohn 201 指标 2 天前

That awkward moment when Amumu ults andeverybody just stares at each other for a while

*如果能伤害队友的话尴尬的画面就是当阿木木放R 然后所有人都懵逼了

[–]troubleis1Ask me ifi did it 11 指标 2 天前

Dude, just imagine all Graves teammates, hecant even autoattack if one of them is in front。

*胸弟 想象一下男枪的队友有人在他面前时男枪甚至不能进行普攻了

[–]alecderuiter 1 指标 2 天前

You can still use abilities in mumu's ult,you just cant move or aa。


[–]Vansorchucks 5 指标 2 天前

sona makes the best dance parties


[–]wr4ithL0rd 498 指标 2 天前

Interesting idea for a game mode。。。"Friendly Fire"


[–]wr4ithL0rd 166 指标 2 天前

You guys seem to be quite enthusiasticabout this。 Putting on my 'what if' hat, what would this game mode look like?I'm picturing the Howling Abyss for the map to increase the danger fromfriendly fire。 What else would make this unique?

IMO just enabling the ability to hurt yourpeers doesn't necessarily make this compelling。 What's the hook?

*大家伙儿看起来都对这个想法很兴奋阿 如果要我来假设的话 放到呼啸深渊这张地图中会如何 伤害会因为“友谊之火”得到提升 这会让这模式变得独一无二吗

*在我看来“友谊之火”会让游戏变得很好玩 对了 钩子的话如何呢?

[–]Bronze_Johnson 300 指标 2 天前

One player on each team is the"traitor" and wins only if the other team does。 Friendly fire allowsthem to turn at any moment or allow someone else to be accused on a misplay。

*那么每一支队伍都会有个叛徒了 “友谊之火”的存在允许让叛变的行为发生

[–]Newfiero 205 指标 2 天前

I mean I don't think anyone has pointed outthat zilean would make people his suicide bombers。。


[–]jinchuikacould beworse 15 指标 2 天前

Terrorist Zikean skin coming。。。


[–]fancypersonThats anice head you have on your shoulders。 149 指标 2 天前



[–]shalviyshalviy 84 指标 2 天前

Holy shit if she ults it would truly beTentacle Hentai,The Game。

*握草她的R 这游戏简直了。。。

[–]memes_must_die 18 指标 2 天前

100% pick/ban in japan


[–]DocReverbClownfiesta ( 03° 08 03°) 99 指标 2 天前

Brand would be absolutely disgusting


虽然听上去还挺有趣,但是这种事我相信拳头公司肯定不会让它发生在正规模式下面的。 不过感觉可以出一个特殊的模式,相信应该会特别有趣。 想象一下你闪现过去准备A一下那个人头的时候机器人把你在空中勾了回去,骚年,你经历过绝望吗?


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