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TAG标签:LOL > 新闻公告 > LOL商城现可直接购买含20位英雄的典藏包


发布时间:09-12-30 13:42 来源:52pk整理 作者:官方


Buying the Digital Collector's Pack just got easier.

The Digital Collector's Pack is now for sale in the League of Legends store (under the bundles tab). The Digital Collector's Pack in the League of Legends store is identical to the one sold on the website including the Goth Annie skin, 20 Champions, 4 Summoner runes and 1,380 Riot Points.

The Champions included in this pack are listed when you click on the item in the store (but we’ve also posted them here). The Collector’s Pack will cost 3,900 RP.

Q: Isn’t it odd to sell something for Riot Points that gives you Riot Points?

A: Yes it is odd, but this way you get exactly the same thing we offer on the web in the League of Legends store.

Q: If I live outside the US, can I now buy the Digital Collector's Pack?

A: Yes. You will have to buy Riot Points with a credit card or PayPal, and the prices for Riot Points are in US Dollars (but credit cards that allow US dollar purchases will apply an exchange rate so you will pay your bill in your local currency). Then you can buy any items in the League of Legends store using Riot Points, including the Digital Collector's Pack.

- RiotChris


  在LoL商城可以直接购买数字典藏包(在符文栏下面)。和在网站上出售的一样,这个数字典藏包包含了安妮(Annie)的皮肤、20个英雄、4个符文和1380 Roit Points。

  当你点击商城上对应的物品就可以看到典藏包内包含的具体英雄名单。这个典藏包将花费3900 Riot Points。

  问:用Riot Points购买又得到Riot Points,这样是不是很奇怪?



  答:嗯,可以。你需要先通过信用卡或者贝宝(全球最大的在线支付平台)购买Riot Points。之后你就可以购买LoL商城内任何物品了,当然也包括了这个数字典藏包。




